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DDR Horror Stories!
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Trick Member
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0. PostPosted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 9:31 pm    Post subject: DDR Horror Stories! Reply with quote

ok, so i know all yous ppls out there are or have been a n00b at some point...and being a n00b does suck...i mean seeing ppl going crazy on the pads...all those flashing lights giving you seizures...riducule when you get up there and do your 1 foot beginner song in front of a judging crowd after the guy before you just AAd so deep...i'm sure everyone's got a ddr horror story of some sort. even when you're really good compared to most, you still think you suck...maybe you get all excited and randomly fall off the pad in the middle of healing vision on heavy (i've done that one). so anyways i think we all need to take a step back and consider that in order to be great at this game, you have to suck at some point...we love n00bs anyway right? they stand there and gawk in awe...and afterwards they're like " do you do that??" and then you're like "well son...if you go and buy me a drink i might just tell you." and then he runs off jumping for joy and stuff...ok i'm getting off track here. post your ddr horror stories here....hey who knows, maybe ppl who feel bad about their ddr skillz will read this and be comforted to know that everyone sucks at ddr for a long time before they get good. and even when you're good, you screw up and feel like a dipshit. post anything ranging from "the guy living below me hates my stomping around so much that he tried to shoot me through the ceiling" to "i played ddr 'till i peed myself."

ok, i'll start off with my biggest ddr horror story...

so i go to college at william and mary...i basically got into ddr there cuz one of my best friends had the home version and whatnot...anyway i got addicted so fast and eventually i came over to his room so much that i was driving him he just let me and my roommate borrow the ps2 and pad haha...good stuff. anyway...after a good long time...i'm playing on heavy...i get to where i can pass almost anything on any of the home versions, etc. my roommate and i are so into the game that we play it every night...sometimes at 4:00 in the morning...and then when our friends come over to hang out we have big ddr parties...etc...ok getting off track again. so one day there's this japanese event night or some shiznit like that...and they advertize that there's gonna be a ddr my friends and i gather together that saturday night in a gigantic ddr horde to go show ppl what this stuff is all about...anyway we get there...and i'm expecting a machine and whatnot....but they've got two soft flimsy pads hooked up to a projector screen...well ok...that's not so bad. after all, it's what i'm used to. hey a projector screen thing...that could be fun...anyway this is all taking place in our snack bar type place...lots of ppl sitting around watching what's going on...there must have been over 100 ppl just watching...anyway we all sit down and my friends are like "hey...this looks stupid...we're not gonna do it" ...and their reason for this is that it's the japanese club putting on some kind of show...and up on stage there's some kid dressed as a gigantic pocky stick dancing around. so was lame and geeky...but i was determined to do my ddr. so my friends wished me luck and watched me go off into the sunset and yeah um...i signed up for the "ddr shoot out" that means. anyway they had a bunch of competitions...and FINALLY they got around to this ddr shoot out...and they pulled me and a bunch of other ppl over that signed up and they were like " are gonna hook these baskets up onto your backs while your teammates fire these foam disks at you from behind with the shooter...and whoever gets the most disks in the basket wins. you play on whatever difficulty you want and the only condition is that you don't fail the song...yayyyy." and at this point i was looking over at my friends and making the "these ppl are f'd in the head" kind of motion and um...i still went along with it...and i was like "hey can i play on heavy?" and the girl was like "um...well...i guess so..." so yeah first i had a few turns of firing at my teammates' backs and trying to get the stupid disks in while they failed their light songs...and after a while it was finally my turn...and i strap on this little plastic crapbasket to my back... up there next to a guy from the other team...and the way they set it up was roulette...and it lands on bad routine. ehh that's not that interesting but ok...i enter the song and something messes up and the pad doesn't as this gigantic crowd of ppl watches, i restart the system...get the pads to work and start again...ok. roulette again. lands on paranoia eternal. well, i can pass that one...with my nice redoctane ignition 2.0...wasn't quite thinking...but i do it on heavy...and i start out and get the first few notes and suddenly there's tons of screams and applause behind me! ...why? cuz i'm the only person there who actually knows how to play the damn game! anyway as i go...i suddenly realize that this whole projector thing is very odd...and my life bar is draining...and then the pad is slipping out from under me...and then...yeah that was the saddest fail i have ever had. i felt like everyone was counting on me to actually be decent at the game...and then they were like "ohhh too bad..." and i was like "the pad slipped" and they were like "yeah...that sucks...moving onnnn to our other stupid games!" except they didn't really say that...tho when the girl was on the microphone she was like "well that was paranoia eternal...that's a really hard song." blahhhhhhhhhhh. it still lingers on my mind. i went up to my friend rolfe and he was like " failed" and i was like "...i know this" and then he says "i have never seen you fail before"...yes a sad day then i had to go back to my dorm and play paranoia eternal over and over until the ddr gods were appeased. ok i'll shut up now, but that's my horror story. to most, i'm a loser because i care so much about the game heh. i mean yeah that night i was pretty upset and i kept bringing it up and my friends eventually got pissed and told me to shut up about it and that they didn't care that i failed in front of a buhzillion people. so yeah that's my story....and ummm...yeah
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Trick Member
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1. PostPosted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 9:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Um, I think that belongs here, but I couldn't read through the whole thing to tell you for sure...
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2. PostPosted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 9:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wow. That was incredibly boring.
There's no way I can trump the boring in that story so I'm not even going to try.

EDIT: It would've been good if you would have posted this here
JasonTheGreater wrote:
You, sir, are my new hero.

My DDRecall. Challenge me.
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3. PostPosted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 9:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

psht. as i said. don't be mean to n00bs. i'm a n00b to this board and i didn't know that thread existed. so basically what i'm trying to say is take the stick out of your buttocks. no no...keep's almost out...ehh seems too long. i would help, but i don't feel like it.
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4. PostPosted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 9:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Daabomb101 wrote:
so basically what i'm trying to say is take the stick out of your buttocks. no no...keep's almost out...ehh seems too long. i would help, but i don't feel like it.
That almost seems like grounds for a warning, to me...
EBT wrote:
i havnt had a problem witht he combat in morrowind
i swing my daedric dai katana with poision on it and stuff dies
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Trick Member
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5. PostPosted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 9:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

hahahaha buttocks. bum would have been better.

i mean...buttocks is such a profane word...on the level of profanity, i'd rate it a 10. oh yes. nobody says that word. i should be shot in the face. IN THE FACE!

Last edited by Daabomb101 on Fri Jul 15, 2005 9:59 pm, edited 1 time in total
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Trick Member
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6. PostPosted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 9:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

apologies for creating what i thought could be an interesting thread. very welcoming environment indeed. more apologies for not obsessively reading what other people have posted and not stepping in line with "where your topic is supposed to be." it's sad that you want everything to go neat and tidy into one topic.
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Trick Member
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7. PostPosted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 9:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


I'd suggest reading the Forums FAQ before continuing on the way you are.
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Trick Member
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8. PostPosted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 10:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

yes sir, rule abiding citizen sir. wouldn't want to accidentally start a revolution sir.
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9. PostPosted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 10:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

welcome to DDR Freak, where you get warning points for breaking our rules and praises from our member when you make a smart comment

btw: don't you already love our filter?

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